Monday, August 10, 2009

John's Monday Washington Post Article...

Here's my column for the Washington Post today....

Every time another baseball player is unmasked as a steroid user, three things are guaranteed to happen:
  • the player will say he is shocked -- shocked -- to learn he has ingested a banned substance;
  • the players' union will get in a snit about the test results being leaked;
  • most people in baseball, fans and media and officials alike, will roll their eyes and say, "Please make this story go away."

Click here for the rest of the story - First Step for Baseball: Admit You Have a Problem


qtlaw24 said...

Thanks for voicing the ridiculousness of the steroid abuse and the tired "dog ate my homework" excuse. It defies reality as to how dumb one must be to not know what you ingest when multi-millions rest on the outcome. I admit I was a huge Bonds fan and I am quite frankly befuddled as to how widespread the abuse was and the lack of integrity that the whole establishment showed.

Anonymous said...

I think possibly the dumber thing is that each of the guys agents, PR managers and the like all do the same thing. What is it they say about insanity.....

At least come up with a new story, new 'evidence', new words. Then maybe it would make a ripple.